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Dieses Thema hat 246 Antworten
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Beiträge: 42.773

31.10.2016 22:48
#166 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E14 - Mardi Gras Zitat · antworten

NCIS New Orleans S02E14 - David Tate.mp3 -> Wolfgang Wagner
NCIS New Orleans S02E14 - Kelly Grace.mp3 -> Marion Musiol


Beiträge: 4.530

31.10.2016 22:49
#167 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E14 - Mardi Gras Zitat · antworten

NCIS New Orleans S02E14 - David Tate.mp3 -> Wolfgang Wagner
NCIS New Orleans S02E14 - Glen David Andrews.mp3 -> Ralf David

Chat Noir

Beiträge: 8.470

31.10.2016 22:58
#168 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E14 - Mardi Gras Zitat · antworten

Wenig hilfreich, ich weiß, aber dennoch:

NCIS New Orleans S02E14 - Angela Goodwin: eine der Walke-Schwestern


Beiträge: 6.567

07.11.2016 22:32
#169 NCIS: New Orleans S02E15 - Der geheimnisvolle Held Zitat · antworten

NCIS: New Orleans, S02E15: Der geheimnisvolle Held (No Man's Land)

      STARRING  Scott Bakula          (Special Agent Dwayne „King“ Pride)  Frank Röth
Lucas Black (Special Agent Christopher Lasalle) Leonhard Mahlich
Zoe McLellan (Special Agent Meredith Brody) Ulrike Stürzbecher
Rob Kerkovich (Sebastian Lund) Kim Hasper
Daryl Mitchell (Patton Plame) Matti Klemm
Shalita Grant (Special Agent Sonja Percy) ---
AND CCH Pounder (Dr. Loretta Wade) Ulrike Johannson

GUEST STARRING Dustin Seavey (Petty Officer Nolan Griffith) Karlo Hackenberger
Chris McGarry (CIA-Agent Adam Calloway) Uwe Büschken
Sean Patrick Thomas (Lt. Commander Mark Jacoby) Marcel Collé
Helen Eigenberg (Mariana Griffith) Claudia Kleiber
Said Faraj (Aman Bashir) Tayfun Bademsoy

CO-STARRING Brooklyn-Bella (Sadie Jacoby) N.N.
Jackson Beals (Lt. Colonel Patrick Manning) Hans-Eckart Eckhardt
Chester Rushing (Brian Hendrich) Christian Zeiger
Sylvia Grace Crim (Reporterin von WXSG 13) Isabelle Schmidt
Eugenie Bondurant (Marie Lovatelli) N.N.
Nidhi Ghildayal (Nasima Griffith) N.N.
Janee Michelle (Mannings Interviewerin) Katharina Koschny
Nicole Lovince (Touristenführerin) Vera Teltz
Lauren Alexandra (Morgan Oliver) Anna Amalie Blomeyer

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NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Mannings Interviewerin.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Marie Lovatelli.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Morgan Oliver.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Nasima Griffith.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Reporterin von WXSG 13.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Sadie Jacoby.mp3

Beiträge: 6.567

14.11.2016 22:20
#170 NCIS: New Orleans S02E16 - Das Team geht vor Zitat · antworten

NCIS: New Orleans, S02E16: Das Team geht vor (Second Chances)

      STARRING  Scott Bakula          (Special Agent Dwayne „King“ Pride)  Frank Röth
Lucas Black (Special Agent Christopher Lasalle) Leonhard Mahlich
Zoe McLellan (Special Agent Meredith Brody) Ulrike Stürzbecher
Rob Kerkovich (Sebastian Lund) Kim Hasper
Daryl Mitchell (Patton Plame) Matti Klemm
Shalita Grant (Special Agent Sonja Percy) Nicole Hannak
AND CCH Pounder (Dr. Loretta Wade) Ulrike Johannson

GUEST STARRING Samaire Armstrong (Marion Watkins) Ilona Brokowski
Joe Holt (DEA-Agent Will Banks) Dennis Schmidt-Foß
Jayson Warner Smith (Payton Kirk) Wolfgang Wagner

CO-STARRING Kristina Emerson (Mama Gator) Lina Rabea Mohr
Mike Mayhall (Chief Petty Officer Jim Tobin) Valentin Stilu
Cindy Hogan (Tante Shay) Nina Herting
James W. Evermore (Nathan Litke) [stumm]
Oscar Gale (Woody) André Beyer
Taylor Faye Ruffin (Josie) N.N.

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NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Josie.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Mama Gator.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Marion Watkins.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Tante Shay.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Woody.mp3

Beiträge: 42.773

14.11.2016 22:22
#171 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E16 - Das Team geht vor Zitat · antworten

NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Mama Gator.mp3 -> vll. Shanti Chakraborty??
NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Marion Watkins.mp3 -> Ilona Brokowski
NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Tante Shay.mp3 -> Nina Herting
NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Woody.mp3 -> André Beyer


Beiträge: 6.567

21.11.2016 22:17
#172 NCIS: New Orleans S02E17 - Funkstille Zitat · antworten

NCIS: New Orleans, S02E17: Funkstille (Radio Silence)

      STARRING  Scott Bakula          (Special Agent Dwayne „King“ Pride)  Frank Röth
Lucas Black (Special Agent Christopher Lasalle) Leonhard Mahlich
Zoe McLellan (Special Agent Meredith Brody) Ulrike Stürzbecher
Rob Kerkovich (Sebastian Lund) Kim Hasper
Daryl Mitchell (Patton Plame) Matti Klemm
Shalita Grant (Special Agent Sonja Percy) ---
AND CCH Pounder (Dr. Loretta Wade) Ulrike Johannson

GUEST STARRING Shanley Caswell (Laurel Pride) Yvonne Greitzke
Amy Price-Francis (Kayla Anderson) Vera Teltz
Lilli Birdsell (Rachel Grant) Silvia Mißbach
James Hiroyuki Liao (Brandon Pierce) Bernhard Völger

CO-STARRING Clay Edmund Kraski (Captain Jim Grant) Viktor Neumann
Eric Mendenhall (Tyson Reed) Valentin Stilu

Chat Noir

Beiträge: 8.470

21.11.2016 22:38
#173 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E17 - Funkstille Zitat · antworten

NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Mannings Interviewerin: würde fast Katharina Koschny sagen
NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Morgan Oliver: Anna Amalie Blomeyer
NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Reporterin von WXSG 13: Isabelle DiBeste-Schmidt

NCIS New Orleans S02E16 - Mama Gator: Lina Rabea Mohr


Beiträge: 42.773

21.11.2016 22:41
#174 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E17 - Funkstille Zitat · antworten

2x15 hatte ich übersehen
NCIS New Orleans S02E15 - Mannings Interviewerin.mp3 -> Katharina Koschny stimmt


Beiträge: 6.567

21.11.2016 22:53
#175 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E17 - Funkstille Zitat · antworten

Moin moin,

danke für die Ergänzungen. Ärgere mich ein wenig, dass ich "Kandi" nicht erkannt habe




Beiträge: 6.567

28.11.2016 22:59
#176 NCIS: New Orleans S02E18 - Die Wahrheit über Emily Zitat · antworten

NCIS: New Orleans, S02E18: Die Wahrheit über Emily (If It Bleeds, It Leads)

      STARRING  Scott Bakula          (Special Agent Dwayne „King“ Pride)  Frank Röth
Lucas Black (Special Agent Christopher Lasalle) Leonhard Mahlich
Zoe McLellan (Special Agent Meredith Brody) Ulrike Stürzbecher
Rob Kerkovich (Sebastian Lund) Kim Hasper
Daryl Mitchell (Patton Plame) Matti Klemm
Shalita Grant (Special Agent Sonja Percy) Nicole Hannak
AND CCH Pounder (Dr. Loretta Wade) Ulrike Johannson

GUEST STARRING David Hoflin (Daniel Nolan) Tim Knauer
Scott Klace (Robert Nolan) Frank Muth
Isabella Hofmann (Nancy Nolan) Katharina Koschny
Garikayi Mutambirwa (Edward Lamb) Björn Schalla
Melissa Farman (Jessica Levy) Maximiliane Häcke

CO-STARRING Matt Socia (Martin Gorman) Sven Fechner
Noëlle Renée Bercy (Madison) N.N.
Anne Nichols Brown (Ellie) Daniela Molina (?)
Tim Bell (Fahrer) Hans-Eckart Eckhardt

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NCIS New Orleans S02E18 - Daniel Nolan.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E18 - Ellie.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E18 - Jessica Levy.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E18 - Madison.mp3
NCIS New Orleans S02E18 - Nancy Nolan.mp3

Beiträge: 4.530

28.11.2016 23:58
#177 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E18 - Die Wahrheit über Emily Zitat · antworten

NCIS New Orleans S02E18 - Daniel Nolan.mp3 -> Tim Knauer

Chat Noir

Beiträge: 8.470

29.11.2016 18:23
#178 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E18 - Die Wahrheit über Emily Zitat · antworten

NCIS New Orleans S02E18 - Jessica Levy: Maximiliane Häcke
NCIS New Orleans S02E18 - Nancy Nolan: Katharina Koschny


Beiträge: 6.567

05.12.2016 22:54
#179 NCIS: New Orleans S02E19 - Mittel zum Zweck Zitat · antworten

NCIS: New Orleans, S02E19: Mittel zum Zweck (Means to an End)

      STARRING  Scott Bakula          (Special Agent Dwayne „King“ Pride)  Frank Röth
Lucas Black (Special Agent Christopher Lasalle) Leonhard Mahlich
Zoe McLellan (Special Agent Meredith Brody) Ulrike Stürzbecher
Rob Kerkovich (Sebastian Lund) Kim Hasper
Daryl Mitchell (Patton Plame) Matti Klemm
Shalita Grant (Special Agent Sonja Percy) Nicole Hannak
AND CCH Pounder (Dr. Loretta Wade) Ulrike Johannson

GUEST STARRING Shanley Caswell (Laurel Pride) Yvonne Greitzke
Julie Ann Emery (Special Agent Karen Hardy) Gundi Eberhard
Patrick Brennan (Zed Hastings) Tobias Kluckert
Barry Shabaka Henley (Detective Todd Lamont) Uli Krohm
Kathleen Munroe (Rechtsanwältin Anita Karr) Merete Brettschneider
Matthew Alan (Troy Spooner) Fabian Oscar Wien

CO-STARRING Joel K. Berger (Reggie Clifton) [stumm]

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NCIS New Orleans S02E19 - Troy Spooner.mp3

Beiträge: 4.530

06.12.2016 10:35
#180 RE: NCIS: New Orleans S02E19 - Mittel zum Zweck Zitat · antworten

NCIS New Orleans S02E19 - Troy Spooner.mp3 -> Fabian Oscar Wien

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