S03E15: Mr. Monk als Wahlhelfer (Mr. Monk and the Election)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß Tim Bagley (Harold J. Krenshaw) Joachim Kaps Nick Offerman (Jack Whitman) Hans Hohlbein Sue Cremin (Reporterin) Uschi Hugo Neil Giuntoli (Erster Parkwächter) Uwe Jellinek Emmy Clarke (Julie Teeger) Lydia Morgenstern Christopher May (Zweiter Parkwächter) N.N. Stanley Kamel (Dr. Charles Kroger) [stumm] Nancy Daly (Mrs. Giddons) N.N. John Maynard (Techniker) Gerd Grasse Bru Muller (Mr. Ellis) Tim Moeseritz Sally Ann Brooks (Mrs. Bloom) Antje von der Ahe
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S03E16: Mr. Monk will Vater werden (Mr. Monk and the Kid)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß Brooke Adams (Abigail Carlyle) Karin Buchholz Nicole Sullivan (Janet Novak) Silke Matthias Michael A. Goorjian (Jacob Carlyle) Bernhard Völger Mary Mara (Theresa Crane) Christin Marquitan Cleo King (Notrufdienst-Mitarbeiterin) N.N. Liesl Ehardt (Bedienung) Heike Beeck Emmy Clarke (Julie Teeger) Lydia Morgenstern Daniel Quinn (Raymond Novak) Stephan Ernst Preston/Trevor Shores (Tommy Grazer) N.N. Stanley Kamel (Dr. Charles Kroger) Leon Rainer Mike Grief (Stämmiger Mann) Frank Ciazynski Stephen Holland (Labortechniker) Matthias Klages Kyle Bornheimer (Officer Roberts) Uwe Jellinek
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S04E01: Mr. Monk bekommt Konkurrenz (Mr. Monk and the Other Detective)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß Jason Alexander (Marty Eels) Detlef Bierstedt Dana Ivey (Mrs. Eels) Marianne Lutz Rossif Sutherland (Victor P. Blanchard) Timmo Niesner Alan Wilder (Harold Gumbal) Hans-Jürgen Dittberner Emmy Clarke (Julie Teeger) Lydia Morgenstern Rey Gallegos (Edward "Eddie" Dial) Hans-Jürgen Dittberner Stanley Kamel (Dr. Charles Kroger) Leon Rainer Kasi Brown (Fernsehreporterin) Heike Beeck Jerry Kernion (Sicherheitsmann Paul) Andreas Conrad Rob Swanson (Polizist am Tatort) Matthias Klages Tom Ohmer (Polizist mit Hundekotbeutel) Tim Moeseritz
S04E03: Mr. Monk hütet das Bett (Mr. Monk Stays in Bed)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß David Valcin (Reggie Dennison) Viktor Neumann Lennie Loftin (John DeLancy) Udo Schenk Jimmy Palumbo (Mr. Gorman) Klaus Lochthove Emmy Clarke (Julie Teeger) Lydia Morgenstern Frank Novak (Deputy Com. Marv Chastwick) Thomas Kästner D.J. Harner (Mutter) Maja Dürr Yvans Jourdain (Mann von der Spurensicherung) Klaus-Peter Hoppe
S04E04: Mr. Monk als Bürohengst (Mr. Monk Goes to the Office)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß Eddie McClintock (Waren Kemp) Nicolas Böll Jennifer Hall (Abby) Irina von Bentheim Christopher Neiman (Chilton Handy) Santiago Ziesmer Brett Rickaby (Mörder) Tim Moeseritz Meredith Scott Lynn (Angela Dirks) Maja Dürr Fred Stoller (Greg) Johannes Berenz Nicole R. Johnson (Frances) Andrea Rabow James Logan (Ben Shelton) Karlo Hackenberger Gem Silver (Sekretärin Pamela) Maja Dürr
S04E05: Mr. Monk ist betrunken (Mr. Monk Gets Drunk)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß Paul Ben-Victor (Al Nicoletto/Alan Gruber) Ingo Albrecht Daniel Roebuck (Larry Zwibell/Ben Gruber) Andreas Mannkopff Richard Libertini (Dr. David Sobin) Georg Tryphon Peggy Miley (Sylvia Willis) Evelyn Meyka Maurice Godin (Pierre LaCoste) Florian Krüger-Shantin Felicia Day (Heidi Gefsky) Julia Blankenburg Chris D'Elia (Cal Gefsky) Jaron Löwenberg Larry Clarke (Rudy Schich) Gerald Paradies Assaf Cohen (Ricardo) Sebastian Jacob Bianca Chiminello (Weinexpertin) Sabine Jaeger
S04E06: Mr. Monk und Mrs. Monk (Mr. Monk and Mrs. Monk)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß Melora Hardin (Trudy Anne Monk/Cameron) Sabine Arnhold Harve Presnell (Zach Ellinghouse) Hans Teuscher Kevin Kilner (Jack Bollinger) Peter Reinhardt Jarrad Paul (Kevin Dorfman) Sven Plate Gregory Alan Williams (Sorenson) Marco Kröger Frankie Ingrassia (Maggie) Anna Grisebach (??) Stanley Kamel (Dr. Charles Kroger) Leon Rainer Sandy Francis (Mrs. Conway) Sabine Walkenbach
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S04E07: Mr. Monk und die schwarze Witwe (Mr. Monk Goes to a Wedding)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß Ashley Williams (Teresa Scott) Ulrike Stürzbecher Robert Benedict (Jonathan Davenport) Hubertus von Lerchenfeld Michael Cavanaugh (Bobby Davenport) Friedrich Georg Beckhaus Mik Scriba (Lt. Bristo) Kaspar Eichel Emmy Clarke (Julie Teeger) Lydia Morgenstern Ryan Bollman (Frank Ruttle) Olaf Reichmann Holland Taylor (Peggy Davenport) Ursula Heyer
S04E08: Mr. Monk war auch mal klein (Mr. Monk and Little Monk)
Darsteller (Rolle) Sprecher Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk) Bodo Wolf Traylor Howard (Natalie Teeger) Bianca Krahl Jason Gray-Stanford (Lt. Randall "Randy" Disher) Klaus-Peter Grap Ted Levine (Captain Leland Stottlemeyer) Helmut Gauß Brett Cullen (James Duffy) Stefan Gossler David Hunt (Michael Norfleet) Michael Christian Donna Bullock (Sherry Judd) Traudel Haas Susan Ruttan (Mrs. Ledsky) Regine Albrecht Katelyn Pippy (junge Sherry Judd) N.N. Kevin Schmidt (Leo) N.N. Shane Haboucha (Jimmy Wagner) N.N. Brent King (Travis Baptiste) Tommy Morgenstern Michael Dunn (George Baptiste) Oliver Feld Rose Abdoo (Mrs. Monk) Sabine Walkenbach Karl T. Wright (Direktor Thicket) Tilo Schmitz Grant Rosenmeyer (junger Adrian Monk) Tino Hillebrand Jeannie Epper (Gladys Aquino) Eva-Maria Werth